HostOnNet Blog

Tag Archives: install

Installing Sun Java on Ubuntu

Download JDK from For 32 bit systems For 64 bit systems Extract it and move it to /var/lib/jvm Set it as default Java Run following commands to make sure new java installation is the default To activate Browser plugin,

Install festival tts in ubuntu

festival is a tts (text-to-speech) software in ubuntu that offers several different voices. To install festival, run sudo apt-get install festival Now to use festival, in command line type echo “Host On Net Provides Web Hosting” | festival –tts Or

Installing pecl uploadprogress

Download latest software from Install cd /usr/local/src wget tar -zxvf uploadprogress-*.tgz cd uploadprogress-* phpize ./configure make make install make install will show # make install Installing shared extensions: /usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20060613/ # There will be line with the above path