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FreeBSD Foundation Announces Java JDK

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BOULDER, Colo., April 5 (PRWeb) — Today, the FreeBSD Foundation announced the availability of the official Java Runtime Environment (JRE) and Java Development Kit (JDK) for FreeBSD. The Foundation negotiated a license with Sun Microsystems to distribute these FreeBSD binaries. The binaries are based on JDK 1.5 and work with the official FreeBSD 5.4 and FreeBSD 6.0 releases on the i386 platform.

The FreeBSD Foundation provided financial support for Java development, funded the certification process, and negotiated license and trademark agreements to distribute pre-compiled binary packages of the Sun JDK and JRE.

“The release of official JRE and JDK binaries based on Sun’s latest partner sources provide end-users and developers alike with confidence that they can use and create Java applications on FreeBSD with the same degree of portability, robustness and stability that they have come to expect from other supported operating systems,” said FreeBSD developer and member of the BSD Java Team, Greg Lewis.

“In doing so, the FreeBSD Foundation has placed FreeBSD on a par with other enterprise operating systems for Java based web services,” Lewis said.

This official release is easier to install and less buggy than the existing jdk15 port, Lewis said.

“With appropriate licensing from Sun, OEMs can now bundle Java applications with a JRE or JDK for distribution on FreeBSD,” said Deb Goodkin, Director of Operations for the FreeBSD Foundation.

“The FreeBSD Foundation is very pleased to be able to continue to bring Java support to the FreeBSD operating system platform, which has been made possible through generous donations to the FreeBSD Foundation,” said Robert Watson, president of the FreeBSD Foundation.

“We are committed to continuing to enhance Java support on FreeBSD, including certified releases for FreeBSD 5.5, FreeBSD 6.1, and added support for the amd64/em64t hardware platform,” Watson said.

More information and downloads are available via

Information on donating to the FreeBSD Foundation may be found on the Foundation website at web

About The FreeBSD Project

FreeBSD is a complete and advanced Unix-like operating system which can be used as a secure and high-performance workstation, network server or firewall. FreeBSD is developed by a team of over 200 programmers and documentation writers. Over 13,000 third-party software suites are freely available for quick installation from the FreeBSD Packages Collection. More information about FreeBSD is available on the web at

About The FreeBSD Foundation

The FreeBSD Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to supporting the FreeBSD Project. The Foundation gratefully accepts donations from individuals and businesses, using them to fund projects, which further the development of the FreeBSD operating system. In addition, the Foundation represents the FreeBSD Project in executing contracts, license agreements, and other legal arrangements that require a recognized legal entity. The FreeBSD Foundation is entirely supported by donations. More information about the FreeBSD Foundation is available on the web at

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