On RHEL 3 Plesk server, i tried to edit file
But i can’t edit it. vi editor says, file is ready only and use w! to write, but that also not worked. So i exited vi, tried changing permission of the file.
# whoami
# ls -l .bashrc
-rw-r–r– 1 root root 176 Aug 23 1995
# chmod 744 .bashrc
chmod: changing permissions of `.bashrc’:
Operation not permitted
On chmod, i get Operation not permitted error.
So i checked extended file permission with
# lsattr /root/.bashrc
It is found the file with i (IMMUTABLE) bit set.
# lsattr /root/.bashrc
—-i——– /root/.bashrc
This is removed by the command
# chattr -i /root/.bashrc
Now the file is editable.