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Tag Archives: csf


Firewall is used to block or selectively allow access to services running in system. For example, you have Apache web server and SSH running on your server. You want to allow everyone connect to your Apache Web Server. But only


Enable CSF firewall for WHM Resellers open3: exec of /usr/sbin/ipset flush failed at /usr/sbin/csf line 4752. Install CSF Firewall Now login to WHM > Plugins to configure CSF firewall.

Enable CSF firewall for WHM Resellers

To allow CSF Firewall access to resellers, go to WHM > Resellers > Edit Reseller Nameservers and Privileges Under Additional Software > Third Party Services Select ConfigServer Security & Firewall (Reseller UI) Now you need to go to WHM >

Installing CSF in OpenVZ Hardware Node

If you install CSF on OpenVZ hardware node, you won’t be able to access VPS. To fix this create a file /etc/csf/ with following content [root@server12 ~]# cat /etc/csf/ /sbin/iptables -A INPUT -i venet0 -j ACCEPT /sbin/iptables -A OUTPUT -o