Yesterday i got BSNL DataOne ADSL connection.
Since DataOne is new here, i have taken the smallest plan. HOME 250, that allow only 0.4 GB of Data Transfer per month. Speed is 256 kbps (32 KBps). I am getting very good speed, today i see 62 KBps on my connection.
The speed is great compared to my old Reliance Platinum internet connection, that used to get 2 to 7 KBps.
Already applied for BSNL HOME 1800 plan. This will be 512 kbps, so i will be getting much better speed.
Only problem with BSNL is the data tranefer limit. For HOME 1800 plan, limit is 5 GB per month. Presently my usage is 4 GB per month on slow reliance connection. Having fast BSNL connection will increase the monthly data usage.