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Category Archives: Web Server

How to Disable Direct Root Logins

Allowing the root user to login directly is a major security issue, we’ll show you how to disable it so you can still login as root but just not directly, reducing the security issue. This will force a hacker to

How to Install, Configure and Securing a new cPanel Server

First Install cPanel on the new server after this give screen command If it works then OK ,but if did’nt work use now give screen command after that give ‘ll’ or ls and you will see the file as ‘latest’

MySQL Database size shows 0 MB in cPanel

When checked in MySQL database I see the size as 0 mb. So made some changes and it worked. 1) SSH to your server as root and edit the cpanel.config file root@server[~]# nano /var/cpanel/cpanel.config Search for disk_usage_include_sqldbs=0 and change to

Enable lighttpd status and config pages

To enable lighttpd status and config pages, you need to edit lighttpd.conf Find Replace with Find Replace with Restart lighttpd Now you can visit urls like http://your-ip/server-config and http://your-ip/server-status To view lighttpd status and configuration.

(response.c.544) file not found … or so: Too many open files

A site running lighttpd stopped working with 500 internal server error. On checking lighttpd log, found The error is fixed by editing /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf and adding

could not build the server_names_hash, you should increase server_names_hash_bucket_size

After adding a virtual host on nginx, i got following error on restart root@server70 [/etc/init.d]# service nginx restart 2009/06/19 12:22:17 [emerg] 4322#0: could not build the server_names_hash, you should increase server_names_hash_bucket_size: 32 2009/06/19 12:22:17 [emerg] 4322#0: the configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf

Plesk Logo

Find MySQL root password in Plesk Server

Plesk MySQL server have no root user. Instead Plesk have user “admin” with root privileges. To find password for user admin, run To login to MySQL For example To login with out password, create a file /root/.my.cnf With following content