To find all php files in /home folder with content “Spy Shell”
find /home -name '*.php' -exec grep 'Spy Shell' {} \; -print
Some of the common function used in hacker scripts that you can search for.
find /home -name '*.php' -exec grep 'system(' {} \; -print find /home -name '*.php' -exec grep 'exec(' {} \; -print find /home -name '*.php' -exec grep 'passthru(' {} \; -print find /home -name '*.php' -exec grep 'Spy Shell' {} \; -print
Find the particular string from the list of files in current directory:
grep -iH 'STRING TO FIND' *.php
To find string “highlight_match) . ” in all files with name “viewtopic.php”, run following command
find /home/ -name "viewtopic.php" -exec grep "highlight_match) . " {} \; -print
On cpanel server, check string in apache access log of all sites
for files in /usr/local/apache/domlogs/*; do grep "wget" $files; done; for files in /usr/local/apache/domlogs/*; do grep "rmview" $files; done; for files in /usr/local/apache/domlogs/*; do grep "psybnc" $files; done;
To store result to a file
for files in /usr/local/apache/domlogs/*; do echo $files; grep "wget" $files ; done; for files in /usr/local/apache/domlogs/*; do echo $files >> 1.txt ; grep "wget" $files >> 1.txt ; done;