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How to enable ClientExec debug log

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Following steps will help you to enable logging in ClientExec

Find ‘config.php’ file from the folder where you installed ClientExec script. Now, we need to edit below lines:

define(‘LOG_LEVEL’, 1);

define(‘LOG_TEXTFILE’, ‘/var/www/ce.log’);


here we set 1 as the logging level, but you can put any number between 0 and 7, which have the following meanings:

0: No logging
1: Security attacks attempts, errors and important messages (recommended level)
2: Reserved for debugging
3: + Warnings and EventLogs, VIEW/ACTION and Request URIs and URI redirections and POST/COOKIE values
4. + plugin events, curl requests, some function calls with their parameters, etc.
5: + include suppressed actions
6: + Action responses (ajax,serialized,XML (as array)
7: + SQL queries

The recommended level is 1.

Now, edit ‘LOG_TEXTFILE’ path in config.php file.

Current path is ‘/var/www/ce.log’. It is recommended to keep the log file under the user account where you installed ClientExe (ie, /home/USERNAME/ce_log/ce.log) or in any other location than root directory.  Because, keeping the file under the root directory is insecure as it contain passwords and other important informations.

Now lets create a folder called ‘ce_log’ under the home directory.


so the path will be like ‘/home/USERNAME/ce_log’.

Now create a file and name it as ‘ce.log’ and upload it under ‘ce_log’ folder which we created now.


and give full permission (chmod 777) for both ‘ce_log’ folder and ‘ce.log’ file.


Once done, edit config.php file and change path from ‘/var/www/ce.log’ to ‘/public_html/clients/ce_log/ce.log’ and save. The upload config.php to server folder where ClientExe installed.

Then you can do some actions in your ClientEXE and see the logs are generating or not. If not, try to change the ‘LOG_LEVEL’ from 1 to 7 and check again.

Hope this will help you.

About Vineesh Mohan

A Technical Support specialist with strong customer service and good communication skills. I live in the city of Cochin, which known as the Queen of Arabian Sea.

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