We can disable captcha through Setup > General > Security Tabs will disable captcha globally.
But if do this,that will increase the spam support tickets.
Follow the stpes if you want to remove captcha only from Domain Checker page(www.yourdomain.com/whmcs//domainchecker.php)
Remove the following codes from domainchecker.tpl file.
Line number 3 to 7
{if $inccode} <div class="alert alert-error textcenter">{$LANG.captchaverifyincorrect}</div> {/if}
Find the following code (line number 28 to 37)
{if $capatacha} <div class="captchainput"> <p>{$LANG.captchaverify}</p> {if $capatacha eq "recaptcha"} <p>{$recapatchahtml}</p> {else} <p><img src="includes/verifyimage.php" align="middle" /> <input type="text" name="code" class="input-small" maxlength="5" /></p> {/if} </div> {/if}
Replace with the following
<input type="hidden" name="direct" value="true">