HostOnNet Blog

How to Setup StackPath CDN With Magento 1.9

Looking for Linux Server Admin or WordPress Expert? We can help.

For getting the CDN URL, log into the StackPath Control Panel > Sites > My Sites > Manage

StackPath CDN

After that login to your Magento admin panel > System > Configuration


Under General select Web > Secure

Magento Web options

Update the below with CDN urls

Base Skin URL
Base Media URL
Base JavaScript URL

magento cdn setup

Please make sure before you change the URLs is that you take a complete backup of your WordPress database. You can easily revert in case the update process goes wrong.

About Sibi Antony

Bootstrap and Android LOVER. I've been creating things for the web for over 10 years, from the period of flash and table based layout web sites till mobile and tab friendly web sites.
Posted in Installation

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