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Advanced Adaptive Applications software suite fights malware and heals computers

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A software that not only eradicates viruses and other malware but also automatically repair the damages caused by them has been recently developed.

University of Utah computer scientists have created the software, which also prevents the invader from ever infecting the computer again.

A3, or Advanced Adaptive Applications, is a software suite that works with a virtual machine, a virtual computer that emulates the operations of a computer without dedicated hardware.

Eric Eide, a University of Utah research assistant professor of computer science, said that it was designed to watch over the virtual machine’s operating system and applications.

A3 has been build to protect servers or similar business-grade computers that run on the Linux operating system. It also has been demonstrated to protect military applications.

There are no plans to adapt A3 for home computers or laptops, but Eide mentioned that this could be possible in the future.

The A3 software is open source, meaning it is free for anyone to use, but researcher believes many of the A3 technologies could be incorporated into commercial products.

About Sibi Antony

Bootstrap and Android LOVER. I've been creating things for the web for over 10 years, from the period of flash and table based layout web sites till mobile and tab friendly web sites.
Posted in Technology

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