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Install uGet Download Manager in Ubuntu

uGet is an Open Source Download manager for Linux and Windows too. They are mainly focusing on Linux. But it can work on Windows and Android (beta) too. uGet is written in C programing language. Source code is available from

Rails error runtimes.rb autodetect Could not find a JavaScript runtime

When i run a test Ruby On Rails application on a Ubuntu Docker Image, i get following error This is fixed by installing Node.js On Ubuntu, run

CentOS release 6.5 sendmail error NOQUEUE: SYSERR(apache): can not chdir

On a CentOS release 6.5 (Final) server, when sending mail from PHP, no mails are sent out. Checking the log file (/var/log/maillog), i got following error message. Look like CentOS is now using sendmail as default. Some time back, they

Windows Server 2003 support is ending July 14, 2015

Windows Server 2003 after 11 years of service getting ready to retire. Microsoft have sent out mail to all its TechNet subscribers with details on migrating to latest version of Windows Server. You can find more details at Recenly

Skype 4.3 missing indicator in Ubuntu 14.04

When you install Skype 4.3 on Ubuntu 14.04, there is no stray indicator for skype. This is annoying because once you minimize skype, there is no easy way to get back to skype. To fix this, run

Install mod-wsgi on Ubuntu 14.04

mod_wsgi is used to run python scripts in Apache Web Server. This is also used to deploy python framework like Django under Apache. To install mod_wsgi on Ubuntu 14.04, run Now you need to edit your web site configuration file

Enabling CGI/Perl scripts in Ubuntu Apache 2

Apache 2 in Ubuntu is configured to work with .pl/.cgi scripts by default. But it won’t work as cgi module is not loaded. To activate CGI scripts, you need to run Apache configuration used for localhost in my PC is

SSL Certificate can get you ranked higher on Google SERP

Today google announced that it will be SSL certificate on web site as a signal for Ranking. Google want internet to be more secure, no more session hijacking and government snooping on internet communication. Most large sites on internet already

Ubuntu sudo: add-apt-repository: command not found

When i install OpenBravo CRM on Ubuntu server, i get following error. This is fixed by installing “python-software-properties” package. OpenBravo is a ERP/CRM software like OpenERP (oDoo ?). OpenBravo is Java based, it need TomCat, Apache, PostgreSQL installed. On my

PostgreSQL – Quick Start Guide

After you install PostgreSQL on Ubuntu/Debian, it will create a user “postgres”, it have full privileges. It is like “root” user in MySQL. Connect to PostgreSQL To connect to PostgreSQL, run following command. This will change current user to linux