On April 10, 2006 i have written about BizHat.com alexa rank.
Today BizHat.com alexa Rank is 3,476
In 50 days, alexa rank increased by – 4089 and wins over kerala’s high traffic web site i told in previous post.
These days we are working on to get more traffic.
NetFreeHost.com free phpBB forums moved to new desicated server
Dual AMD Opteron 246
1024MB RAM x 2 = 2048MB
73GB SCSI Drive
2000GB BW
8IP’s (Private Vlan; 5 Usable
1024MB RAM x 2 = 2048MB
73GB SCSI Drive
2000GB BW
8IP’s (Private Vlan; 5 Usable
This server have CentOS 4.3, previous servers are running FreeBSD. I changed to Linux after i found some instability with old AMD 64 3800 server running FreeBSD 6. Not sure instability is due to high traffic (server was serving 100000 page views a day). The server goes down for noreason, causing MySQL database corruption. Now on new server, everything is working fine, no down time.