Image Host ( getting lot of hits these days. Last few days it was 75 GB per day. So we can’t keep it on present server as it have only 1000 GB bandwidth per month. If Image Host is going to use 75 GB for 30 days, it will be 2250 GB per month.
Bandwidth usage for last 24 Hours
Bandwidth Usage for this week
Bandwidth usage for this month (1 Aug 2005 to 19 Aug 2005)
Today on 19th of the month, bandwidth usage is nearing 800 GB, that is only 200 GB is left for rest of the month. This is impossible as more and more images are uploaded everyday, so bandwidth usage will also increase.
So its time for 10 MBPS Unmetered Bandwidth Server. Just got one, Bandiwdth is cheap cogent. Hope Image Host will be happy with some more time.. and i have to think about modifying the script to make it support more than one server.
Yesterday moved Image Host to new server. New server os is FreeBSD 5.4, Apache 2.x, PHP 5 and MySQL 4. It take a day for me to finish initial setup of Apache, PHP and MySQL as ports created problem. I run cvsup, but it won’t update ports. At last i run “make fetchindex” on /usr/ports now ports system is upgraded and i deinstalled Apache and start from step 1. Everything wennt well.
I made tar.gz of the image host files on current server and it was 14 GB in size. So i tryed to download it from new server with wget. I got a maximum speed of 700 KB, at this speed it will take 5 to 7 hours to finish the site moving. Since i have already ponited the images host to new server, site was down. At last i jsut copied the PHP files and and restored MySQL database on new server and get the image host working for new users. Existing images are moved with rsync command.