Google Cloud Storage is similar to Amazon S3, you create Buckets and store files in it.
gsutil is a command line program that is part of google cloud sdk used to interact with Google Cloud Storage. Before you can use gsutil, you need to use gcloud command to login to your google cloud account.
For more info, see
The command is
gcloud auth login
Once logged in, you are ready to use gsutil.
Listing all Google Cloud Storage Buckets
gsutil list
boby@hon-pc-01:~ $ gsutil list gs:// gs:// boby@hon-pc-01:~ $
Create a Google Cloud Storage Bucket
gsutil mb (make bucket) command is used to create bucket.
gsutil mb gs://BUCKET-NAME-HERE
boby@hon-pc-01:~ $ gsutil mb gs://hostonnet Creating gs://hostonnet/... boby@hon-pc-01:~ $
Lets list all available buckets now
boby@hon-pc-01:~ $ gsutil list gs:// gs://hostonnet/ gs:// boby@hon-pc-01:~ $
To get help on gsutil mb command, run
gsutil mb --help
Make a bucket public
To make use a bucket as CDN, you need to allow users to access bucket with out login
gsutil defacl ch -u AllUsers:R gs://BUCKET-NAME-HERE
boby@hon-pc-01:~ $ gsutil defacl ch -u AllUsers:R gs://hostonnet Updated default ACL on gs://hostonnet/ boby@hon-pc-01:~ $