If you are new to WordPress, here is a step-by-step plan for getting started.
To get started creating your first WordPress post, go to WordPress admin panel (http://your_domain.com/wp-admin/) and then to “Posts » Add New” from the left sidebar.
1. Title Area: Here we can write the title of your post.
2. Content Area: In this area you can write text of your post. We can also add images by clicking the “Add Media” button.
3. Standard Editing Tools: Here are options like bold, italic, lists, paragraphs, and headlines.
4. Publishing Tools: This is where you get your post shown to the public; For publishing post we can click on “Publish” button. We can also set a publication date to schedule the post in the future or save the post as a draft for more editing.
5. Additional Fine-tuning Tools: Update your blog post and categorize it