In my previous post, I already posted How to modify powered by text in PrestaShop footer
But this method will not work in PrestaShop 1.7. We can check how to remove PrestaShop powered by link in 1.7 or higher.
It is not possible to remove the word “Prestashop” via backend. You can only translate the the texts around it: “Ecommerce software by”
So we can do this by editing footer file
Edit footer.tpl file at /httpdocs/themes/classic/templates/_partials and you will find this code
{l s='%copyright% %year% - Ecommerce software by %prestashop%' sprintf=['%prestashop%' => 'PrestaShop™', '%year%' => 'Y'|date, '%copyright%' => '©'] d='Shop.Theme'}
Replace PrestaShop™ text like below
{l s='%copyright% %year% - Ecommerce software by %prestashop%' sprintf=['%prestashop%' => 'YOUR WEBSITE NAME HERE', '%year%' => 'Y'|date, '%copyright%' => '©'] d='Shop.Theme'}