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Mail API

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With cloud sites, many are moving away from installing mail server on web server. It is not practical to have mail server on every web server that you deploy to cloud. Cloud work load in a proper setup should be disposable, you will be able to delete any server and another server should be able to take over its function.

Using one of these Transnational email providers allow you to forget about all mail delivery issues. These specialized providers guarantee 100% delivery rate for your emails as long as email is valid. Also they have strict rules to prevent abuses. So don’t signup with these providers if you are sending low quality emails.

There are some cases where you can’t run mail server on your web server as it give away your IP address. For example, you are getting DDoS attack, you are behind DDoS protection service like Cloudflare or Google Shield, running mail server on web server in such setup will give away the IP and allow attackers to attack your server directly.

Here are some providers that allow you to send email using API. Many of these providers offer free plans with high monthly limits. For most sites, free plan will be fine, some even offer 100k email per month.

10,000 Free Email Per Month.

Amazon SES

2,000 emails per day if sending from EC2. Data charge extra..

  • – 9,000 Free Email Per Month.
  • MailJet – Free plan offers 6,000 emails per month (200 emails per day).
  • – 150K Free Email Per Month (need unsubscribe link + physical address on out going email)..
  • – No free plan, there is a developer plan, that offers 15k email per month.
  • – We at HostOnNet use this. Sendgrid advertise free plan on google. To get free sendgrid plan, just google sendgrid, find their advetisement, that have link to FREE sendgrid account. They don’t show free plan on their web site now.

See mail

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