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Moving a site between Cpanel server

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If you have root access, you can move site between cpanel servers easily. You can do this by login to WHM as root, then using “Transfers Function”

At times big sites fail to tranefer with this WHM feature. To move such sites, you have to do it manually through SSH.

That is on first server, you need to take backup of the account.

/scripts/pkgacct moviesb

Here “moviesb” is Cpanel user name of the account i am transfering. Once you run pkgacct, it will create a file /home/cpmove-moviesb.tar.gz

Now you have to move that file to new server. You can do this with FTP, HTTP or scp. In this case, i have done it with scp.

scp /home/cpmove-moviesb.tar.gz root@server-server-ip:/home/

On doing this, it will ask root password of new server, once you enter correct password file will transfered to new server. After tranfer finished, login to new server as root in SSH.

Now we have the backup file in new server, what we have to do is restore it. Restore can be done with /scripts/restorepkg command.

/scripts/restorepkg moviesb

If you don’t get any error, the restore was sucessfull. You can now change name servers or point DNS to new server.

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