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Now you can use laptop while lying in bed

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Dozing Desk

‘Dozing Desk’, a furniture setup that allows you to work on your laptop while you are gleefully lying down on the bed.

The design from Japan-based firm Sanko has probably solved the conundrum of ‘laptop posture’ by allowing you to go all the way into a snug horizontal position. The assembly has triple joints on each of its legs that makes it perfectly height adjustable, while the laptop-holding tray can be rotated in a 360 degrees manner. In other words, yes – you can nonchalantly sleep, rest and work, without changing much of your position, like those mirthfully lazy humans from Wall-E.

As a matter of fact, the ‘Dozing Desk’ has taken laziness to a whole new level of practicality. To that end, the users don’t even have to worry about the heating predicament of the laptop – the tray is effectively integrated with built-in fan coolers that keeps the companion machine snappy all day for you to work ‘leisurely’. And the best part for slackers – one can own all of it by just paying a price of 8,980 yen (around $90) and potential future spinal problems.

About Sibi Antony

Bootstrap and Android LOVER. I've been creating things for the web for over 10 years, from the period of flash and table based layout web sites till mobile and tab friendly web sites.
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