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3DTouch may ‘kill’ computer mouse

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A device that lets users interact with their computers just by moving a finger could replace the mouse, some experts believe.

The prototype, created by Anh Nguyen and Amy Banic from the University of Wyoming in Laramie, works with a 3D accelerometer, magnetometer and gyroscope, similar to those found in smartphones.

Named 3DTouch, the invention looks something like a thimble with wires that stretch along the index finger and around the palm. By bringing the thimble into contact with any surface a user can click or select elements onscreen.

The device is compatible with a range of programs, including games, word processors and web browsers.

A button on the surface of the forefinger replaces the left-click function of a traditional mouse, the Daily Mail notes, and the device uses “optical flow” sensors to track movement against any flat surface.

3DTouch connects to an Arduino controller – a small, simple computer which sends information about a user’s movements to a laptop or desktop PC.

“3DTouch enables users to use their fingers or thumb as a 3D input device with the capability of performing 3D selection, translation and rotation,” the researchers explained in a short video posted on YouTube.

“It is designed to fill the missing gap of a 3D input device that is self-contained, mobile and universally working across various 3D platforms,” they said. “With 3DTouch, we attempted to bring 3D interaction and applications a step closer to users in everyday life.” ·

About Sibi Antony

Bootstrap and Android LOVER. I've been creating things for the web for over 10 years, from the period of flash and table based layout web sites till mobile and tab friendly web sites.
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