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Enable LetsEncrypt On Cpanel Server

LetsEncrypt is a FreeSSL provider. To enable LetsEncrypt on Cpanel Dedicated Server, login to SSH as user root and run Next login to WHM as user root, go to Home > SSL/TLS > Manage AutoSSL and select “Let’s Encrypt™” as

Windows Server 2012 R2 End of Life

With release of Windows Server 2016, microsoft announced End of life (EOL) for Windows Server 2012. Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard was released on 25-11-2013. Mainstream support end date is 09-10-2018. The Mainstream and Extended Support dates for Windows Server


To install memcached on Ubuntu, run Configuration file Restart memcached Check Memcached Stats To check stats for memcached installation, run Now type in Example root@ip-198-12-157-208 [~]# telnet 11211 Trying… Connected to Escape character is ‘^]’. stats STAT


RabbitMQ is an open source message broker. To install RabbitMQ server on Ubuntu, run To create a user, run User “hostonnet” will be created with password “superman123” To set permission, run


To generate random string, run This generate a random string of length 32 chars. Example Another command is Example


virt-builder allows you to quickly create virtual machine images. It is part of libguestfs. To create a virtual machine, run This will create a virtual machine image with name fedora-23.img in current directory with password 123456. Now you can

virt-install OS variant does not exist

When creating virtual machine with virt-install, i get error ERROR OS variant ‘ubuntu16.04’ does not exist in our dictionary for OS type ‘linux’ This is because the version of libvirt installed on the server do not support OS variant ‘ubuntu16.04’.

Mount VM filesystem with guestmount

guestmount is used to mount virtual machine images. To mount a file system image, use Example


guestfish is used to mount virtual machine file systems.


Just disable it