tee is a linux command that allows you to redirect out put of a command to STDOUT (console) and a file. This is helpful when you want to see result of a long running process, also want to save it to a file.
For example, i want to save result of the command
find /home/ -name xmlrpc.php
To to a file and watch it. I can do
find /home/ -name xmlrpc.php > ~/xmlrpc.txt cat ~/xmlrpc.txt
The problem with the above command is you can only see result after find command finished running. To see the result live, use
find /home/ -name xmlrpc.php | tee ~/xmlrpc.txt
tee command by default overwrite the file. If you want to append the result to a file, use -a option. For example
uptime | tee -a ~/uptime.txt