DESCRIBE TABLE is a command used in Oracle database to show structure of a table in database. The PostgreSQL equivalent is \d+ TABLE_NAME You will need to see database structure to work with databases. Example
To restore Database in PostgreSQL, run pg_restore -h POSTGRESQL_SERVER_IP -p 5432 -U POSTGRESQL_USERNAME -d POSTGRESQL_DB_NAME -v backup.dump -p = specify port used by PostgreSQL server. -d = Connect to database and restore directly into the database. -v = Specifies verbose
Back In Time is a backup tool written in Python 3. It is based on rsync. It can backup to Local and remote file systems. Back In Time support encrypted and non encypted backups. To install run sudo add-apt-repository
To Scan for hosts that are UP on a network/ip range, run nmap -sP To see all Open Ports on a computer, run nmap IP-OF-COMPUTER-TO-SCAN nmap find all IP with port 80 open
Install PHP 5.6 on Ubuntu 16.04 Install PHP 5.6 on CentOS 7 Install PHP 7.0 on CentOS 7 Server Display Errors in PHP Script CentOS 7 PHP mail() function not working PHP-FPM Enable PHP-FPM in Nginx on Ubuntu/Debian Useful PHP
SMTP Server for local Development Secure Password Generator in Python Python script to update Quickly Sharing Files On Ubuntu Install mod-wsgi on Ubuntu 14.04 How to install pip on Linux How to analyze Apache access logs using Scalp pyCharm
When you develop websites or application on local computer, you don’t need mail server installed on your local PC to sent emails. You can run This will start a Debugging SMTP server on port 2525 of your PC. Now set
Create file Add following content Enable the web site Enable Apache SSL module if not already enabled Restart Apache You can verify SSL module enabled by running Now web site will work with SSL certificate. Flynn is an open source software written in GoLang. It allows you to run your own cloud like Heroku, easy to deploy web applications with git push. Flynn will handle all provisioning like database migration or even set up
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