HostOnNet Blog

Author Archives: Annie

About Annie

I've been working in Technical Section for over 10 years in a wide range of tech jobs from Tech Support to Software Testing. I started writing blog for my future reference and useful for all.

How to change default SSH port 22

You can change the default SSH port 22 of your server in order to make people difficult to access your server. Once you are logged in to the server as root we can begin editing the sshd_config file. 1. Open

How to Fix the “Network Unreachable Resolving” Error in CentOS

I got following error messages from /var/log/messages: Solution Login to SSH using as root user. Open the BIND parameters file in the text editor. Add the OPTIONS=”-4″ parameter at the end of the file. Save the file and restart BIND.

How To Install Alternative PHP Cache For Linux

APC is a great operation code caching system for PHP that can help speed up your site. To install APC packages with the following command: The latest version of APC can be obtained from Then proceed to add the

Skype Qik Video Chat: Shoot, Send, Vaporize

Microsoft on Tuesday released Skype Qik, a new mobile chat app that features short, self-destructing video messages that automatically self-destruct in two weeks — or sooner if set to do so.Although associated with the Skype brand, Skype need not be

How to Find the Location of Your php.ini File

Create a script to display your php information You’ll need to create a very simple php script and place it in your home directory. Open a text editor and create file called phpinfo.php with this code: Save the file and

How to Add currency in WHMCS

First Login to your WHMCS admin panel, click on the Setup tab. Click on Payments to open a sub drop down menu. Choose Currency from the list. Enter Currency Code, such as USD or GBP. Choose a prefix, such as

How to Prevent Hacking

Every computer which is connected to the internet has the possibility of being attacked by virus or spy ware or by hackers. You need to be extra cautious when your computer is connected to the Internet. 1. The most important

Speed Up Your Web Site With MySQL Query Caching

To speed up query, enable the MySQL query cache, before that you need to set few variables in mysql configuration file ( my.cnf or my.ini) The first you make sure that your installation of MySQL actually has query caching support

Google Adds European Search De-Listing Requests To Its Transparency Report

Google has published some new details about the search index de-listing requests it’s receiving in Europe. The information is being put online in a new section of its Transparency Report where it also details link removal requests it fields from

Facebook’s Anonymous App Could Kill Trolls With Secret Identity

Wack-a-mole. That’s what it’s usually like fighting trolls, bullies, and spammers in anonymous communities. Ban them and they just start new accounts. That’s why the fact that Facebook knows who you really are could be the key to its upcoming