Asterisk is an open source toolkit for building communications applications. Asterisk is a tool that enables PBX ( Private Branch Exchange) integration. Login to ssh and run following command. Type Y when you are prompted with the Do you want to continue
Download JDK from For 32 bit systems For 64 bit systems Extract it and move it to /var/lib/jvm Set it as default Java Run following commands to make sure new java installation is the default To activate Browser plugin,
To find Ubuntu version, run cat /etc/*issue On Terminal.
To install PHP 5.5.x on Ubuntu, add PPA To install PHP 5, run For updating existing version of PHP, run PHP Version before upgrade After Upgrade XCache is exta, i installed it with After PHP Upgrade.
LinkChecker is a free, GPL licensed website validator and it checks links in web documents or full websites directly from your desktop. It works in Windows, Mac and Linux. To install LinkChecker on Ubuntu download the following 2 files from
It is easy to take screenshots in Ubuntu by using the “Print Screen” button on your keyboard. If you want the system to take a screenshot automatically at a regular interval, here is a quick way. Installing scrot The tool
In Windows, there is the popular CPU-Z application that allows you to view information about your CPU and hardware. But what if you are using Linux? CPU-Z doesn’t work in Linux, so how can you obtain the same CPU info
If you are a frequent terminal user, you may come across situations where you need to debug the code or copy the output of a script for future reference. For such cases, you may want to record the terminal session
To remove the guest session from Ubuntu logon screen Open the terminal (Press Ctrl – Alt – T) and run the following commands. sudo /usr/lib/lightdm/lightdm-set-defaults -l false To undo it or re-enable the guest account, run the commands below. sudo
This brief tutorial is going to show you how to install and configure VSFTPD server in Ubuntu 13.04 Raring Ringtail. File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a TCP protocol for uploading and downloading files between two networked computers. The machine with