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HE.NET Includes 42U Cabinet, Power, 1 Gbps Internet bandwidth. $400/month Cabinet + Gige

rpm – Package Manager for RedHat Linux

rpm manage software packages in distros like Fedora, RedHat, CentOS. To list all installed software packages, run To see if a package is installed, run Example root@server2 [~]# rpm -qa | grep exim exim-4.89-3.cp1162.x86_64 root@server2 [~]# List all Files in

Ubuntu 16.04 PhpMyAdmin root login problem

On Ubuntu 16.04 when i login to PhpMyAdmin with user root, i get error This is because MySQL by default use local system account to login as user root. This is done with plugin “unix_socket”. To allow MySQL user root

Disable Alerts in NetData

Netdata have several health checks. This can be found in folder You can configure alarm notify options in file If you want to disable all alerts from netdata, edit Find Replace with Restart netdata netdata Server Monitoring Tools

r1soft Could not authenticate agent

R1Soft Could Not Authenticate Agent

When you test connection to protected machine (agent) on R1Soft Server Backup Manager, if you get error Could not authenticate agent x.x.x.x This is because you don’t add server key in agent. To list server keys, run Example root@localhost:~# serverbackup-setup

Adding New Server to R1Soft Backup

Before you can backup a machine using Backup, you need to add the Machine to Server Backup Manager. Login to R1Soft Server Backup Manager SE > Protected Machines > New Machine On Next page, you need to enter server


Install r1Soft Backup Agent on Ubuntu Adding New Server to R1Soft Backup r1soft Failed to backup LVM/MD configuration Here are some of the resellers of r1soft backup solution. – Allow backing up every 1 hour – Backup once

Install r1Soft Backup Agent on Ubuntu

To install r1soft backup agent on Ubuntu, add r1soft repo Install Agent Once installed, verified software can connect to with Install linux-headers for your running kernal Install required kernel modules Restart r1soft agent Now you have Backup agent installed

Nginx SSL SslLabs A Rating

On Ubuntu Server with nginx, ssllabs give B rating for newly installed SSL certificate with a warning related to Diffie-Hellman. To fix this, run Edit nginx.conf and add following inside http block. Example Nginx SSL Nginx

Nginx Bad Gateway

Nginx upstream sent too big header while reading response header from upstream

On a wordpress blog hosted under Nginx and php-fpm, when adding new post, get 502 internal error. This is fixed by editing nginx config for the web site by adding Here is the updated nginx config