I am using a Microsoft Windows Server 2016 with Plesk (Version 17.8.11) as Control Panel. First we need the default files/folders ready in our hand to upload on the server. If you don’t have the files with you, simply connect
The Comments section on the wordpress site’s dashboard allows you to approve, reply, edit, trash or spam a comment from the dashboard itself. The comment will appear live on the website when you approve it. 1, Log in to your
What is the location of DNS zone file in WHM Default location of zone file is /var/named. We have root access to the system in order to view the /var/named directory. We can add a new or change an existing
Benchmarking a Linux system with Simple command line tools measure many different attributes such as CPU performance, disk I/O, memory, graphics card, network speed testing etc. In the terminal type following command (Below command requires root privilege, so run it
Traceroute and tracert commands are network diagnostic tools used to track the pathway taken by a packet on an IP network from source to destination. The main difference is of the Operating System and how the command is implemented in
If you wishing to stop your clients from changing their contact details, without contacting you. In this post i’m going to explain how to disable this options. 1, Logged in WHMCS administrator panel. 2,setup -> general settings -> other There
WHMCS is your all in one client management system to handle client management, billing & support interface for web hosting businesses. Before purchasing a hosting package, people can check to see if a host has a valid whmcs license before
If you have forgotten the version of your Ubuntu OS then follow this tutorial which explains how to find the Ubuntu version. Open the Terminal (keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+Alt+T) In the terminal type following command: Your version will be shown on
We can check all available NS records for a domain using the option -type=any You could run the command: nslookup -type=ns hostonnet.com (hostonnet.com can be replace with your domain name)
How To Update WordPress Themes Via Dashboard Recently one of our customer asked if it was possible to update a WordPress theme without losing the customization he made. This article help you how to update WordPress theme. First thing we