You can check the information by running following command: The result will look like: Another command also available to check this:
By default Ubuntu file manager Nautilus shows many items like Home Desktop Documents Pictures Music Videos Trash I want to remove “Music” and “Videos” entry. Mainly because my Video collection is too large and is on a different disk, i
Now I am going to explain network monitoring tool which monitors bandwidth for a system, ie vnstat(view network statistics). Its very much easy to install and configure. To install vnStat on Ubuntu/Debian, you can use apt-get: After installation completed, we
A quick way to get the summary of available and used disk space on your Linux system is to type in the ‘df’ command in a terminal window. The command df stands for “disk filesystem“. With the -h option (df
This command will tell you how long the system has been running and gives you a one line display as below: Which describes, the current time, how long the system has been running, how many users are currently logged on,
uGet is an Open Source Download manager for Linux and Windows too. They are mainly focusing on Linux. But it can work on Windows and Android (beta) too. uGet is written in C programing language. Source code is available from
When you install Skype 4.3 on Ubuntu 14.04, there is no stray indicator for skype. This is annoying because once you minimize skype, there is no easy way to get back to skype. To fix this, run
You may use netstat command, which print network connections, routing tables, interface statistics, masquerade connections, and multicast memberships etc. Another (and suggested) option is to use lsof command, which list open files, and ports on Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris and other
mod_wsgi is used to run python scripts in Apache Web Server. This is also used to deploy python framework like Django under Apache. To install mod_wsgi on Ubuntu 14.04, run Now you need to edit your web site configuration file
System information commands through below . df: The df command displays filesystem disk space usage for all partitions. The command df-h is probably the most useful. It uses megabytes (M) and gigabytes (G) instead of blocks to report. free: The