301 redirect is a permanent redirect from one URL to the other. This is the cleanest way to redirect a URL. Quick, easy, and search-engine friendly. Remember htaccess stuff is for Apache servers only. You can use following code to
By default, Ubuntu is configured to always prompt you with a confirmation dialog box with two choices when you want to shut down or restart your computer. The same thing happens when you log out of your account or lock
When you are experiencing slow Internet access, you may want to check the Internet speed of your ISP (Internet Service Provider) as part of troubleshooting. For that matter, Speedtest.net is probably the most widely used broadband speed testing website. Underneath
Now you’re about to learn how to upload your website content via FileZilla FTP client. Filezilla is an ‘opensource’ or free FTP client and can be downloaded for free from http://filezilla-project.org/. It is available for multiple platforms. Once you have
CloudLinux is a linux based operating system that creates a stable hosting environment for all of our web and reseller hosting customers. It is able to keep a single account from overwhelming a server and causing slow performance or downtime.
Following an earlier announcement of the change, Google has begun banning pornographic ads from its search engine. As of Monday, the company now blocks explicit content from AdWords, the Google ad units that appear above users’ search results and across
Desktop view of Lubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr): Lubuntu is a fast and lightweight operating system. The core of the system is based on Linux and Ubuntu . Lubuntu uses the minimal desktop LXDE (Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment), and a selection
Login to cPanel and navigate to Backup button under ‘Files’ Menu (Home > Files > Backup) It will show you the below page: The Backup Wizard is very user-friendly interface for creating a backup of the entire site, a partial
Login as MySQL root or admin user: $ mysql -u root -p Now lets drop database ‘otrs’ using below command: mysql> DROP DATABASE otrs; Lets create the same database again using below command: mysql> CREATE DATABASE otrs; once done, close
The Apache2 web server is available in Ubuntu Linux. To install Apache2: Login as root, then enter the following command in terminal prompt: This will install apache. You will see the result as: Once the installation finished, open a browser