Here Iam doing this by changing document root of Apache on Ubuntu. STEP 1 – Change document root of Apache on Ubuntu Create the www directory at /home/user/www. Open Terminal and enter mkdir www Set document root in apache2.conf file
Screen Recorder applications are useful for the persons who create demos, how to tutorials etc. Simple Screen Recorder (SSR), an open-source feature-rich screen recorder provides us a fast and efficient way to record your system’s screen. To install it, follow
I was planning to develop a tourism website on WordPress. As a first step, I installed LAMP on my PC in which I am using Ubuntu 16.04. Then I installed PhpMyAdmin on my computer by following this tutorial. Then started
This tutorial will teach beginners to setup local dev site on Ubuntu. First step in this process is to edit Apache’s primary configuration file at /etc/apache2/apache2.conf I used the below command to open apache2.conf or you can use Then I
Open terminal command on your computer and type the following command to set root password sudo passwd root By typing the following command in terminal, you can connect as root user su –
If you have forgotten the version of your Ubuntu OS then follow this tutorial which explains how to find the Ubuntu version. Open the Terminal (keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+Alt+T) In the terminal type following command: Your version will be shown on
We can check all available NS records for a domain using the option -type=any You could run the command: nslookup -type=ns ( can be replace with your domain name)
On Ubuntu 16.04 when i login to PhpMyAdmin with user root, i get error This is because MySQL by default use local system account to login as user root. This is done with plugin “unix_socket”. To allow MySQL user root
When you run visudo or crontab -e on a Ubuntu/Debian server, you will be using default editor. To set default editor, run To see all available editors, run Example
X2GO allow you to connect to remote server (or VPS) and use it as remote desktop. On remote server, you need to install X2Go Server. To connect you need to use X2Go client. Client is available for Windows, Mac and